Property services
Home management
House caretaking
Tailor made services
Supervision for second home renovation and taking care with professionnals Provence
Maison Décors et Intérieurs Magazine (Issue N°29 February March April 2005)
" With twenty years' experience in the luxury hotel and catering business, the couple decided to offer their skills...
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Mieux Vivre votre Argent (Issue n°291 June 2005)
" A manager for your second home. Companies specialised in taking care of your house while you are away…...
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In december 2011, Mrs C.M. sent to Provence Home Sitting a Christmass card...
"You have been the most extraordinary bliss to work with, always anticipating things, your diligence and...
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Côte Magazine (July/ August 2007)
« Bruno and Nathalie manage and take care of properties from 200m2 on 4 000 m2 to 770m2 on 29 hectares of land...
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Traiteur Raynier Marchetti in Paris
Nathalie has worked as Sales assistante for Raynier Marchetti Caterer in Paris Since 1968, Raynier Marchetti's...
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in December 2019, Mr and Mrs A.G. sent an email to Provence Home Sitting
...."Virginie, et moi souhaitions vous témoigner notre gratitude pour tout le travail qui a été...
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